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After graduation, most of us want to forget about revision. But for the vloggers who built a following around being students, it's less simple.

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I slid into the DMs of dozens of TikTokers with huge followings. Most obviously aired me, but some (including a dude with over six million followers) actually replied and told me everything you’ll ever need to achieve TikTok fame in a matter of months.


Young queer creators are using the platform to educate each other on the joys of anal sex. Welcome to #BottomTok.


“Gay for pay” is nothing new, but hetero men are now using apps like Tinder and Grindr to target what they perceive to be a lucrative market.


Buying with friends can bring house prices within reach – but there's always a catch

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Coming out to your mates often precludes coming out to your family, but what happens when you’re midway through the process of coming out and lockdown forces you back with a family you aren’t ready to tell yet?


Families face tough decisions as Rachel Reeves confirms plans to charge VAT on school fees


These are the boys of MaidTok. Think of them as the logical evolution of the FemBoy trend from the end of summer — a distant cousin if you will. But where the wholesome TikTokers of #FemBoyFriday just wanted to show off their nice skirts and crop tops, the boys of MaidTok are a far less bashful breed.


For Alyshea Chand, digital journalism was exactly the sort of industry where she knew a TikTok would make more of an impact than a cover letter—especially on Twitter, where potential employers spend a lot of time.


Young queer creators are using the platform to educate each other on the joys of anal sex. Welcome to #BottomTok.


For a generation of young Britons, remote working is the norm. But all is not well in the home offices of twenty-somethings


No two coming out stories are the same. Speaking to LGBT+ students hailing from many different universities and identifying in just as many different ways proved as much.


When I sit down to chat to the Byte Squad over Zoom and ask what it’s like, one of them says: “Our days are unpredictable. One minute we’re having breakfast, the next there’s a million Orbeez flying round the room.”


Case studies

I have a consistent track record of producing individual human interest stories and finding strong lines from interviews, some of which are featured below.


Jake already amassed a million followers on the app before Freshers’ Week had started. By the time he went home for Christmas, his follower count had doubled.


Malachi Balusa, from Earls Court, passed five of his GCSEs during lockdown after his mum, Falone, took it upon herself to learn the curriculum and homeschool him.


For Stewart, who grew up in Kingston Upon Thames in the 1980s and remembers nights out in pubs overseen by leather queens, the series felt like watching his youth unfolding on screen, albeit with a layer of "gloss on it".

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